The ferry ride over to the Blackberry crit. It's fun to ride over with the other racers.
Race bikes on their way to the crit.
I missed a bunch of posts and now I'm forgetting what all happened. I got really busy and had a hard time keeping up with everything.
I raced a final Friday night track and a criterium in Bremerton. I rode down to the Blackberry crit in Bremerton. It poured rain all morning but let up just enough for me to get to the ferry. The ferry ride was 1 hour. Then I raced for 50 minutes, rode back to the ferry for another 1-hour boat ride, then a 30 minute ride home. I brought three changes of clothes in my bag so I wouldn't have to sit around in wet clothes. The racing was fun and hard. I really like the blackberry course.
The last night of track we finished with a Madison race. We had six women's teams. I talked to one of my friends in the crowd afterwards and she said she had never seen a women's madison on a friday night. She didn't realize she was seeing the very first one ever! My partner Michelle and I were very happy - we stayed close and didn't get lapped and didn't miss any exchanges. Yea! We also had a tempo race where I got some points on the first sprint. It was hard with so many fast racers in the field.
I'm looking forward to more fast racing next year.
Last week we had our "meet the team ride" where new riders ride with us to see if they want to join the team. I'll be losing some key teammates next season so I"m really looking for new riders to join the team and train with. It's fun to ride with new racers because they have the excitement for racing. Maybe some of them will do track.... Any other track riders out there want to join me?