This is a picture of me with Luca. Luca and I raced together on Aurora. Now he is moving on to California. He is a great guy and a good person to have as an official. Everybody will miss him!
Racing went pretty well. It didn't hurt that some of the strongest riders went to Wenatchee to race a stage race for the weekend.
Our first race was an unknown distance. I got off the front with Devon but made a rookie mistake of being on the wrong side of her just a bit so when she swung up track I had to go up track too. So much for working together. I felt pretty dumb. I think the race was about 9 laps.
The next race was the snowball. I was going to go for points on the first lap but two others were going for it before I could jump. This was convenient though because I went for the second lap and everybody was tired so I ended up getting the points for the 2nd and 3rd laps!
The last race was progressive points. I took 1st on the first sprint and hung on for 3rd or 4th in the last sprint. I found that my best shot was to go well before the last turn. I was just happy to get some points though. Hooray!
I rode out to the track from Seattle so I got in 25 miles before the start of the race. I rode easy though so it didn't hurt the legs and I drank Perpetum by Hammer Nutrition. That really helped I think I might have bonked otherwise. I could have used some more electrolytes though because I was feeling light headed at the end of the night. I loaded up on their endurolites when I got home.
This is the sunset over the Circ du solei tent next to the track.
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