Thursday, July 10, 2008

Wednesday Racing with Cat 4 Men

Last night I raced with the Cat 4 Men's field. Since I upgraded to Cat 3 I can't race with Cat 4 women but I can still race on Wednesdays if I go with the Men.

There were 45 men total (and me) so they split us into two groups. It was still probably the biggest group I've raced with. I'm hoping that riding with a big group will better prepare me for the upcoming FSA Grand Prix race at Marymoor.

We started out with an 8 lap scratch. The pace was slow for about three laps and then it really picked up. I didn't position myself well and got gapped off a couple of laps before the end, but I wasn't too far back. The next race was a point-a-lap and so the pace was much higher right away, which made me feel safer. I did a bit better but there were a lot of riders getting gapped near the end and I was one of them again. Right after I got gapped there was a crash on the inside.

On the last race - the 4x5, I resolved to try and get closer to the wheel in front of me and to try and ride with better position. I also remembered that when I raced with the men last time, I really pulled on my bars to get the acceleration for surges. One of the riders offered to pull me for a prime but I wasn't confident of my riding to follow him when he went on the inside. Especially after just seeing a rider crash on the inside. This time things went much better though. I was riding near the front of the group when my friend attacked. The field swarmed around me but I held on. The pace was fast and the field was really strung out but I was able to stick with it all the way to the finish.

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