Sunday, March 1, 2009

Ice Breaker Time Trial

First race of the year! I was really worried about the weather because when Annette picked me up it was just dumping rain. As we drove down I-5 Annette said "look there is a clearing ahead".
I thought she was just trying to put a good face on things but sure enough it stopped raining and by the time we set up for warm up it was Sunny!

I was happy with my time - we are still waiting for official results but I think I was 15 seconds faster than last year.

Every year something goes wrong and I try to correct it the next year but something new happens. This year it was the start. I had the holder lean me to the left but he moved me more than I expected and before I could correct I was off the bike and the chain came off. I missed the start time by a few seconds while the officials were hurriedly trying to fix the bike. I didn't let it bother me though since you can't fix something that already happened. I rode hard and stuck to my race plan but was shocked when Annette passed me about 3 miles into the race. I thought she'd catch me but not that soon. She was riding strong! I got to the turn-around and suddenly my right foot came out of the cleat. I guess I didn't have it locked it properly. The road was still wet from the earlier rain and I found out that one of my teammates wiped out on the turn-around. Happily he was unscathed. I finished the ride and was happy to watch everybody else line up for their race while I took pictures. I talked to several people and it seems like everybody had some kind of story of mishaps to go with their race. I found out later that Annette had missed her start - and still passed me on the way out.
Afterwards we went out for lunch at a cafe in downtown Auburn. I got a hot chocolate with more whipped cream than chocolate!
Kudos to Cucina Fesca for putting on a great race. And they gave out free samples of pasta too! It was yummy! I love that stuff.

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