Saturday, September 5, 2009

Rain Out! Marymoor Velodrome :(

Free hot dogs!

We tried to race on Friday. We went out to the track and waited until they called the race due to rain. For a while it seemed like it was letting up and the track would dry but it was not to be. The racers all sat around the edge and watched the track but it didn't help it dry.

I finally got to have a hot dog that I had been craving all season. It is always too late after we are done racing to get one from the hot-dog-mobile aka "carameas' sweet treats".
Then they opened the beer garden and gave out free drinks to the racers. I hope it doesn't rain next week!

Devon is not 18 so could not come inside the protective fencing.

The racers hung out to socialize.

Our loyal fans taking shelter in the bike storage area while eating a hot dog.

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