Saturday, January 23, 2010

Out riding again!

I had to take last week off for a cold. I was really happy to be out riding again. This week was a rest week so that went well with my recovery. Just 20 miles today. We did a loop around Magnolia and then across to the Ballard Locks. Then up the golden garden hill and back around the top of Greenlake.

I had never ridden the Magnolia loop before and it was gorgeous! Beautiful roads and not very busy either. Nice views without the hills of Blue Ridge. I love going through the locks too. It's like our own mini Panama Canal.

Mark took my bike to the shop afterwards because it's been making a loud noise for the last three weekends. I thought it was the pedals so I changed them out and I lubed the drive train. It turned out to be gravel in the bottom bracket! I hope it's fixed now because it was so loud that it was driving my teammates crazy.

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