Sunday, August 29, 2010

Cold Friday Night

It was cold on Friday. I took my winter coat and wore three layers under my skinsuit. I wore my coat in between the races. Track is tricky because you get sweaty and then you stand around until your next race. You can get very chilled if it is under 60 and there is a breeze.

I raced a Keirin, a 10 lap scratch, and a points race. I did not make it through the kerin heats this time. I though I had it and I let up before the line - only to see two riders come shooting past. Ooops!

I took a chance on the scratch race. They called a prime on lap 7 and I did not go for it but was up at the front and there was a
separation. I tried to get the two girls up there to go with me and one did but the other was gassed. I didn't quite catch the wheel but tried to stay ahead of the pack. It didn't quite work and the pack came zooming by with 1/2 lap to go. I sat up and rolled in still ahead of 1 rider. My plan didn't work out but it felt good to take the chance.

The points race went much better. I tried to stay in good position and take points that weren't too hard to get. On the first set of
points I was pretty near the front and could have won but took second to save a little energy. I found that when I win the first set of points I'm gassed for the rest of the race. I was in the top 4 for a few more of the sprints and ended up 4th . Top 3 got medals since it was the state championships but I was happy with how I did.

I was happy it wasn't raining so we could race! If all goes well I still have 3 race days left.

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