Friday, August 14, 2009

Friday and trainer workouts

I'm starting to forget last Friday and it's time to start racing again already!

We did a unknown distance, miss-and-out, and points. The miss and out I followed my strategy but just didn't have the sprint to make it through more than four rounds. On the 4x4 race I stayed close through the first set of points and then on the second set they also called a prime which we didn't realize was going to be points also. So everybody was a bit confused. Then I watched for a break. Sure enough one of the riders took off and I was right on the wheel. I came around on the sprint line but was just passed by two other riders but I picked up one point. I didn't get any points on the last sprint but was happy to stay with the group and not let anything get away.

On Sunday it was sprinkling so I didn't make it out to the track. I did some 3 minute intervals with the first 30 seconds at 400-450 watts and the rest at 200-250. Very hard! Tuesday I did some spin intervals at 130 rpms - 4x3 minutes. I loaded up some new music on my Zune player to ride to. I put on the theme from Monday night football to get going because they play that before every track race. Now my heart really starts pumping when I hear that song (you can look it up on Utube if you don't know what it sounds like).

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