Saturday, January 19, 2008

Cougar Mountain Ride

I went down to Leschi at 9:30 to meet the group and there were about 50 cyclist out front from the various teams; O Boy Oberto, Wines of Washington, Second Ascent, Group Health. Groups of 5-10 cyclists would head out together or ride by and it reminded me of flocks of birds going on their way.

Today was the first ride up Cougar (the easy side) this year. There was snow on the lawns at the top and it was pretty cold so we opted to head back down the less steep side instead of going down the steep switchbacks. There was a lot of gravel on the road too from recent sanding.

I wore three pairs of gloves on one hand and two pairs on the other hand. It didn't seem to make any difference in warmth. I think I will just go with two next time because that makes it way easier to drink! My feet were warm with the new insoles though.

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