Sunday, May 10, 2009

4 Minute intervals with a power start

I took yesterday off after friday's track racing and today did some more 4 minute efforts. But this time I followed Mark's idea of doing a hard first minute followed by a sustained effort for the next 3 minutes. The plan was to go over 300 watts for the first minute and then hold 230 for three minutes. This was a tortuous workout! I think it even approached how much I hurt during the race on Friday.

The 300 watts part was easy. But then the next three minutes were really hard on the legs. After the second interval my stomach hurt and I had to lay on the swiss ball for a few minutes until it stopped hurting. I'm glad no one saw me. I managed to do two more intervals but it was tough. Glad to have that workout over! I think that might have exposed a weakness of mine!

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